Tuesday, August 11, 2009

In Transition

Below are some photos of the three upholstered pieces I am working on with the finish work completed. In the case of the Sofa, the natural color of the Walnut came out several shades lighter than the original finish. As finishes age, they collect dirt and wax etc. which makes them appear dark. It is also possible that this piece had been stained at one point. The new finish shows off the natural color of the wood as well as the repeated crotch veneer along the base of the sofa. There are two pictures below.

The natural color of the arm chair was inconsistent so I stained it to match the darkest part of the chair. If you look at the earlier photos the piece appears lighter. This is a result of the existing finish, a varnish of some sort, yellowing over time. The result was that the finish gave the piece a yellow/light brown coloring. When the finish was removed the natural colors came out.

The rocker has a restored original finish, with the exception of the arms, which I refinished. I will post photos of the pieces completed when they com back from the upholsterer.

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