Tuesday, December 29, 2009

American Empire Two Drawer stand (ca.1840-50)

In a previous post I detailed the history of these pieces. This "Pillar and Scroll" table has severe damage due to a moving accident as well as veneer missing from age. The reason veneer loosens with age is that the veneer wood moves due to moisture at a different rate than the secondary wood it is glued to. in addition, the grain is often going in different directions so that the veneer pops off as the glue gives way. In this instance, the veneer was asked to bend around a foot that caused stress on the veneer and as the glue gave up the veneer chipped off. Below are several photos of the veneer damage and its repair. once the veneer is patched then the patches will be toned and blended to match the existing veneer. The photos following the veneer patches are of the top after the gouges had been repaired and sanded.
The veneer damage. Everything under the scribed line will be patched.The secondary wood cleaned and ready for the patch.The Veneer patch. After it has been glued it will be trimmed to the shape of the scroll foot.More veneer damage.The areas of this damage ready to be patched.The veneer patches after the gluing process.Gluing veneer patches in place.The Damage to the curved section of a scroll foot.Another scroll foot with veneer damage. Again, everything below the scribed line will be patched.Patching a scroll foot.The top after it has been repaired of the gouges and sanded. The natural color was a bit lighter then the leaves.The leaves after they have been repaired and sandedThe top stained to match the leaves.The top and the leaves ready for finish.

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