Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Reproduction Walnut Hall Tree Part 5: The Completed Original and Reproduction Hall Tree

This post is the last in a series documenting the restoration of a 19th century Oak hall tree and the fabrication of a reproduction made from 50+ year old Black Walnut. All told, there was well over 100 hours in the entire process. I start off with some photos of the original  followed by some detail shots of the reproduction.

These photos are followed by a few photos of the original beside the reproduction hall tree. This was a marvelous project and called on a variety of skills. It is gratifying to see the project come to completion, but I certainly had fun in the process!

The Reproduction

The Original Beside the Reproduction

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I have an original of the wall tree you reproduced from my grandmother! I just moved and the movers lost all my hooks which has me very upset. Would you please tell me where you got your hooks? What do you know about the original piece? I have no history on it from my grandmother. Thank you!
